Osotspa's focus on sustainability revolves around three core pillars: enhancing quality of life, sharing economic opportunities, and reducing environmental impacts throughout its value chain. The Company believes these lay a solid foundation for resilient business growth while readying the Company for new challenges and opportunities amid a more volatile business environment. The Company considers its employees to be an overall driving force for sustainability, forming the fourth pillar of its sustainability framework.
is a commitment to enhancing the quality of life, sharing economic opportunities and reducing environmental impacts throughout our value chain
Promoting health & well-being through our products
Promoting equal opportunities and supporting disadvantaged people and communities.
Providing safe and high-quality products that meet diverse consumer needs, enhance economic values through product innovations, develop SME suppliers and partners to grow their business together with Osotspa
Create an ecosystem to improve competitiveness of mom & pop's stores with digital technology & know-how.
Implement the 3Rs' Principles: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, to our business:
Reduce impact from waste through innovative packaging solutions.
Osotspa categorizes stakeholders into six groups. We address stakeholder expectations through a variety
of channels of engagement, taking into account appropriateness and benefits for stakeholders.
The Company conducted a formal assessment of the material sustainability issues to identiy key economic, social, environmental and human capital topics of interest for stakeholders which have high potential to impact business performance. Upon conclusion of the assessment, the findings were validated by the Board-level Nomination, Remuneration, and Corporate Governance Committee (NRC), and subsequently endorsed by the Board of Directors.
The Company has identified 12 material sustainability issues and prioritized these by 3 levels of significance, as follows: